Hendrik Otto

Dr.-Ing. Hendrik Otto

I have been working for more than 10 years in the field of numerical simulations including multi body dynamics (MBD), computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and discrete element method (DEM). In 2019 I received my PhD from the University of Magdeburg, Germany, on the topic of belt conveying. 

While the PhD was a kind of hobby for me, I have carried out more than 100 consulting projects using DEM and CFD simulations in cooperation with industrial clients in recent years.

If you have any questions or requests, please write me an E-Mail:


Thomas Rößler, M. Sc.

For more than 7 years I have been working in the field of bulk material handlings, taking numerical simulations into account as a tool to solve a wide variety of problems. Beside my work as a consultant engineer, I have been a research assistant and PhD candidate at the Chair of Material Handling Systems at the University of Magdburg since 2016. The thesis focus is on the development of new methods to predict abrasive wear in bulk material handling.

In addition to the application of numerical simulations in industrial practice, one of my focal points is the transfer of knowledge from academic to practice. This includes both the further development of simulation models as well as extensive experience in the experimental characterization of bulk solids.

If you have any questions or requests, please write me an E-Mail:
