Installation Tutorial of CFD and DEM coupling CFDEM

Installation Tutorial of CFD and DEM coupling CFDEM

The installation of the coupling for Liggghts and OpenFoam called CFDEM can be difficult for beginners in the environment of Linux. While some program must only be downloaded from a website, it can be necessary for other programs to compile them on your computer. One of these programs for DEM simulations is Liggghts3.8.0. For the coupling CFDEM openFoam5.x and the coupling files must also be […]

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Improving Stability in OpenFoam

Convergence in OpenFoam When setting up a simulation, stability is very important of the simulation. If a simulation does not converge, it often depends on the boundary conditions. Stability and convergence often are limited by the chosen boundary conditions. The 5 most common reasons for a not converging The 5 most common reasons for a not converging CFD simulation are the following: Wrong or bad […]

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Vortex Shedding on a Car

Vortex Shedding on a Car

Vortex shedding describes a flow of a fluid past a bluff (not a streamlined structure) body at defined velocities. The vortices are depending on the size and shape of the body, the fluid and the velocity. In a flowing fluid, vortices are created in the lee side of the body. If the body creates a periodic alternating vortices, these are forming a Von Kármán vortex […]

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