Installation Tutorial of CFD and DEM coupling CFDEM

Installation Tutorial of CFD and DEM coupling CFDEM

The installation of the coupling for Liggghts and OpenFoam called CFDEM can be difficult for beginners in the environment of Linux. While some program must only be downloaded from a website, it can be necessary for other programs to compile them on your computer. One of these programs for DEM simulations is Liggghts3.8.0. For the coupling CFDEM openFoam5.x and the coupling files must also be […]

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Paver Simulation

When new roads get constructed or renewed the asphalt surface is usually done by using asphalt paving machines. These pavers are constructed to allow a truck to dump the warm asphalt in the front sections. The asphalt then gets conveyed through the machine and falls into the dispenser where screw conveyors spread the warm asphalt sideways.  In this video we want to give an example, […]

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Computing on a Budget

Computing on a Budget

High Performance Computing on a Budget A very common question in the comments and the mails we receive through our Internet page is about the computer system which one should get when starting simulations with liggghts or openFoam. To be fair this is not as easy to answer as it may seem. First of all. This depends very much on you financial situation and on […]

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